New Comments Function

Hello Visitors,  This is a simple update to make you aware of an improvement we made to our site.  We are now utilizing Disqus for our comments, this allows users a much simpler and more interactive way to comment on our blog.  You can now post without entering an email address or name, simply post from a browser that you are logged any of the following accounts Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Google, OpenID or  your own Disqus account.  Your post will show as a signed by which ever account you select after you enter it.

We did this to create a simpler way for visitors to comment and make the experience more social, hopefully easier and engaging.  We’ll be updating the site as we find additions worth adding, if you have any suggestions just let us know and we’ll do our best to make it a reality.  We are committed to continually evolving this site to make it the best possible experience it can be.