Candied Pecans – Sugar Free

I have mentioned in previous posts the fact that I have a number of friends with special dietary needs. Because of this I make a special effort to produce items from my kitchen they can eat too.

Raw Pecans Halves

I make this sugar free candied pecan recipe for a safe sweet snack they can enjoy. The coating has the taste and texture of cotton candy. Not only are they good to serve at parties, but they make a great gift too.


1 c Pecans, raw
1 egg white, lightly beaten
1/3 c Sucralose

Preheat oven to 300 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Roast raw pecans in oven on the baking sheet for 10 minutes then allow to cool.

Beat egg white, blend in Sucralose, add nuts and toss to coat.

Pecans Ready for Coating

Spread mixture evenly onto baking sheet.

Bake 30 minutes or until nuts are toasted, stirring every 10 – 15 minutes. *

Pecans Ready for Roasting

Cool for 30 minutes.

If you prefer one of the following can be added along with the Sucralose and nuts.

1 t Maple flavoring
1 t Vanilla
2 t Cinnamon, ground

Candied Sugar Free Pecans

* As the pecans roast, the coating will begin to harden. As it does, it is important to separate the nuts or they will stick together. Also, you will need to ‘work’ the baked nuts after cooking to remove excess coating. Make sure not to pack the loose coating in with the finished nuts if you are giving them as a gift.